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I sometimes sit quietly to ponder the parable of the prodigal son. It has personal meaning to me, it hits home! The younger son was impetuous, selfish, self-centered. He wanted it all and he
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Gold is tested in fire

Life, along with the unexpected events which ‘invade’ it and throw us out of kilter, can seemingly get in the way of our relationship with God. At least, that is what happened to me.
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Why do we doubt the love of God?

Why is it that we human beings cannot truly accept that God really loves us with a never-ending, unconditional love?Sure, we can mouth the words – “I know God loves me” – yet, in the shadows
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It’s Time to Blaze

Time has a way of moving quickly and catching you unaware of the passing years. From my personal perspective, reaching the winter of your life doesn’t mean that life is over. Far from it! Every
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The One Constant – Jesus

Have you ever considered how much you have changed with the passing of the years… and the ways in which you have changed? The world is shifting and swirling so fast, it is a fact that we live in
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I am Beloved

One thing the Christmas story teaches is that God loves us extravagantly, unconditionally. Because God has cre¬ated us in God’s own image, there’s a picture of God, a treasure of God, in each of
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