
The work of Lost & Found: Ministry of the Shepherd is to:-

  • Proclaim and boldly witness to the Gospel.
  • Write and publish articles, books and magazines.
  • Write and develop evangelisation programmes, Scriptural seminars, video and audio programmes.
  • Conduct prayer meetings, retreats and spiritual gatherings.
  • Respond to the Spirit’s call in any other way.

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Silver Linings offer suggestions in a simple basic way for living a relaxed and balanced life through the power of attitude, thinking, and creating your own stress-less life.

  • In Silver Linings, Terry Lees shares two stories about the Good Shepherd. One story is about a priest teaching a group of young children about the Good Shepherd, while the second recounts a Shakespearean actor who would always end his performance with a dramatic reading of Psalm 23 with the incredible ability to bring the verse to

  • The song “G’Day G’Day” written by Rob Fairbairn and sung by Aussie icon Slim Dusty captures the essence of the Australian way of life. Its lyrics celebrate friendship, connection, and inclusivity. In Silver Linings, Terry Lees shares that he says “g’day” a lot. It is a typical Aussie greeting, an abbreviation of ‘good day,’ used to signify good morning, good afternoon, good evening.

  • In Silver Linings, Terry Lees shares a poem about a man named Ben and his way of praying. Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints in your heart. Terry recounts that life is more than a journey, it’s an adventure, an epic one, much like the turbulent thrilling quests of Indiana Jones! And there are journeys within the journey. The road is not always smooth.

Spend some quiet time with God. These reflections offer food to nourish the heart and mind.

Returning Home
Returning HomeJanuary 12, 2025I sometimes sit quietly to ponder the parable of the prodigal son. It has personal meaning to me, it hits home! The younger son was impetuous, selfish, self-centered. He wanted it all and he wanted it now. He stupidly squandered all he had – his wealth, his talents, his gifts. Deserted by his fair-weather friends, he spiralled into despondency, left to his own devices, meagre though they were. Humiliated, driven to despair, scratching through the mud for food, he likely considered suicide as tRead More
Gold is tested in fire
Gold is tested in fireJanuary 6, 2025Life, along with the unexpected events which ‘invade’ it and throw us out of kilter, can seemingly get in the way of our relationship with God. At least, that is what happened to me.Read More
Why do we doubt the love of God?
Why do we doubt the love of God?January 19, 2024Why is it that we human beings cannot truly accept that God really loves us with a never-ending, unconditional love?Sure, we can mouth the words – “I know God loves me” – yet, in the shadows of our minds there is doubt and, truth be known, non-acceptance that it IS true.We come up with reasons – excuses really – which affirms those doubts. “How can God possibly love me? I don’t deserve that love. I’m a sinner. I keep on sinning. I am not worthy.”Read More


Lost & Found: Ministry of the Shepherd is an apostolate that has been formed to respond to that call to share the joy and invite others to discover the fullness of life that Jesus proclaimed.

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Greeting Prayer
Greeting PrayerFebruary 20, 2020The LORD bless you and keep you! The LORD let his face shine upon you, and be gracious to you! The LORD look upon you kindly and give you peace! [Numbers 6: 24-26]Read More
Sign of Cross
Sign of CrossNovember 8, 2016Lord Jesus, I sign my heart with the sign of the cross, reminding myself of your love for each person. I ask that I may grow in faithfulness as your friend.  I sign my lips with the sign of the cross that I may speak as you would speak.  I sign my hands with the […]Read More
Prayer of St Ignatius of Loyola – Suscipe
Prayer of St Ignatius of Loyola – SuscipeOctober 3, 2016Take, Lord, and receive all my liberty, my memory, my understanding, and my entire will, All I have and call my own. You have given all to me. To you, Lord, I return it. Everything is yours; do with it what you will. Give me only your love and your grace, that is enough for […]Read More