
Episode 6: Eye Of The Tiger
Episode 6: Eye Of The TigerSeptember 11, 2020In his book The Song of the Bird, Anthony de Mello relates the story of the tiger and the disabled fox. Some people have the view of spirituality as mostly sitting and waiting on God. The problem is that if God only acted directly, why would I need others? It’s my experience that most often the way God provides for me is through other people who have shared their love, generosity, and support with me. God has used “the tigers” in my life to bless me time and time again.If God tells mRead More
Episode 5: Living In The Present Moment
Episode 5: Living In The Present MomentSeptember 4, 2020What is it in us, as we move into adulthood, that takes away the joy of living in the present moment as we did when we were children? Happily, though, we can learn from children. Young children are masters at living in the present moment. They are also such wonderful teachers.Even in the Old Testament, through the Book of Proverbs, we are encouraged to live life one day at a time. Yet who better to learn from than Jesus, who lived for the day and wants us to do so too. Live one day at a timRead More
Episode 4: The Green Thing
Episode 4: The Green ThingAugust 28, 2020The young Check-out cashier suggested to a much older lady that she should bring her own grocery bags, because plastic bags are not good for the environment. The woman apologised to the young girl and then sighed, "We didn't have this 'green thing' back in my earlier days." The young clerk responded, "That's our problem today. You folk didn't do enough to save our environment for future generations." The older woman proceeded to give the young cashier examples of how the older generations were fRead More
Episode 3: Frolic in the Rain
Episode 3: Frolic in the RainAugust 6, 2020Rain is a blessing after a drought, a symbol of God's love and teachings to spread over the world. It’s always very special when the wet season comes and the rain pours down upon this parched land of ours, setting the dry rivers running and bringing a new freshness to the environment. The ancient roman philosopher, Seneca, said: Life is the fire that burns and the sun that gives light. Life is the wind and the rain and the thunder in the sky. Life is matter and is earth, what is and what is noRead More
Episode 2: The Seed in the Mud
Episode 2: The Seed in the MudAugust 6, 2020Sometimes, struggles are exactly what we need in our life. The seed buried in the mud believed it had no chance to grow.Read More
Episode 1: Ask – It’s That Simple
Episode 1: Ask – It’s That SimpleJune 5, 2020"Young man, you’ll never get anywhere in this world unless you ask for what you want from life!” This was wise advice, I never forgot, from the boss in my first public service job in Canberra. One of life's fundamental truths states: Ask and you shall receive. The world responds to those who ask. Most people in this world, however, never really achieve or receive what they hold in their dreams . . . because they just never ask... People who've mastered the art of asking know what they want, Read More