
“Anyone who has ears should listen”
“Anyone who has ears should listen”October 1, 2018The art of listening is a skill often overlooked by most people, yet it is one of the most important qualities we can possess. The fact that we have two ears and only one mouth should tell us something – even if only to listen twice as much as we talk! Active listening is one […]Read More
Created for a definite service
Created for a definite serviceJuly 30, 2018Gifts from God – this was the topic of a breakfast conversation with one of my young grandchildren a few days ago. We spoke of the importance of using and sharing our gifts for the benefit of others and to give honour and glory to God. We spoke too of how God has given each […]Read More
Positive thoughts… from the heart
Positive thoughts… from the heartJuly 3, 2018A sower went out to sow… [Mark 4:3] My life is rich soil that has been prepared to receive the seed that falls on it and to produce fruit. For so many years of my life I was a disciple of positive thinking, even to the extent of using my own blood group as a […]Read More
Shaken and stirred
Shaken and stirredMay 15, 2018“Shaken, not stirred,” that’s how Bond – James Bond – likes his vodka martini. The understanding is that stirring diminishes the flavour of the drink. There are pros and cons, but in the end it’s a matter of personal preference. Not so with the Holy Spirit! God allows us to be shaken and stirred by […]Read More
The new has come
The new has comeApril 12, 2018New Year’s resolutions! I’ve been one to make time at the end of a year to plan for the upcoming year and set an array of written goals across areas of my life. As I look back over the years, I see waste of a huge amount of time thinking, setting and writing all sorts […]Read More
Gift of Life
Gift of LifeNovember 8, 2016Life is Gift If you’ve visited a graveyard you might notice on the tombstones, beneath the name of the person buried there, are two dates – the date of birth and the date of death. In between the dates is a seemingly insignificant dash. That dash is our span of life, the time we spend alive on […]Read More
Don’t Major in the Minors!
Don’t Major in the Minors!October 3, 2016At the age of 30, I applied for a marketing position. Nothing strange about that … except the newspaper ad stated that unless you were over 40 you would not have the maturity for the job and that therefore anyone under 40 need not bother to apply. As in many other occasions in my life, […]Read More
Follow Me!
Follow Me!September 4, 2016It takes a lot of intestinal fortitude to follow Jesus! Jesus tells us [Mark 8:34]: “If anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him renounce himself and take up his cross and follow me.”  It doesn’t sound very enticing or inviting does it? What does it mean? Certainly there is an element of […]Read More
I had to take time to pray
I had to take time to prayAugust 11, 2016  One of my greatest treasures and pleasures is a Quiet Time with God bright and early every morning. We’ve been doing it for several years our relationship has grown exponentially. Initially it wasn’t easy. Even though I was an early riser, it meant emerging earlier than previously, so I pushed the boundaries to get […]Read More
For Better Or Worse
For Better Or WorseJuly 4, 2016My wife Pattie often reminds me that we married for better or worse. She says I couldn’t do any better and she couldn’t do any worse! Pope Francis recently said, “This is what marriage is all about: man and woman walking together, wherein the husband helps his wife to become ever more a woman, and […]Read More